Greece has taken significant steps towards getting its public finances back on track, but we have a long way to go.  The social impact of the crisis is seen through a record unemployment rate, the closure of businesses, and an increasing number of people facing social exclusion, together with constant speculation about whether their country will restructure, default or even return to the drachma.


Greece has given so much to the world we know today. To name a few, the ancient Greeks invented Democracy, Theater, the Olympic Games, the Alphabet, Greek Mythology which influenced western art and literature, Greek Philosophy which has shaped the entire Western thought since its inception, Science and Technology, Architecture with achievements such as the Parthenon (designed and built by Iktinos, Kallikrates, and Phidias), and contributed to the birth of the Renaissance by the migration of Greek scholars and texts to Italy following the Fall of Constantinople.


Today, once again, Greece is facing an enormous challenge and the world has a moral obligation to help our nation. Imeros has begun an International Campaign to remind communities who we are and what we are capable of achieving. Our goal is to make sure the international arena clearly understands that no matter what obstacles we face, we emerge stronger and better than ever. We have proven this in the past and we will prove it again.